
The Castle will be CLOSED for routine maintenance work from Tuesday 7 January to Thursday 6 March 2025. It will REOPEN on Friday 7 March 2025.

Castello Aragonese d'Ischia

1 march 2019

M'illumino di meno (I illuminate myself less)

Castello Aragonese joins the energy saving and sustainable lifestyles day

“M'illumino di meno” (I illuminate myself less) is the day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles conceived in 2005 by Caterpillar Radio2 and Rai Radio2 to ask listeners to turn off all lights that are not indispensable. It is a symbolic initiative that is good for the planet and its inhabitants. Lights are turned off in the piazzas of Italy, the monuments - the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum, the Verona Arena, the palaces which are symbols of Italy - the Quirinal, Senate, and Chamber of Deputies, and many citizens' private homes. The Eiffel Tower, the Foreign Office, and Vienna's Giant Prater Ferris Wheel have also been turned off for “M'illumino di meno”. Over dozens of months, guided tours are being organized in low light, energy efficiency is discussed in schools, people dine in candlelight in many restaurants, and astronomical observations are taking place in piazzas, taking advantage of the reduction in light pollution.