
The Castle will be CLOSED for routine maintenance work from Tuesday 7 January to Thursday 6 March 2025. It will REOPEN on Friday 7 March 2025.

Castello Aragonese d'Ischia

28 April / 17 June 2018

Vincenzo Frattini. La dipendenza sensibile alle condizioni iniziali

On the occasion of the opening of 2018 exhibition season, the Castello Aragonese d’Ischia hosts Vincenzo Frattini’s (Salerno, 1978) first solo-show in an institutional context. Curated by Valeria D’Ambrosio, the exhibition takes inspiration from Chaos Theory and aims to trace the complex mechanisms that rule natural laws in order to provide a direct experience of reality through the sensitive relation between form and colour.


The exhibition La dipendenza sensibile alle condizioni iniziali (Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions) intends to use this theory, better known as The Butterfly Effect, as a way to rethink the intellectual turbulences that characterize the visual arts. Through an anthological approach but sequenced without chronological order, the exhibition traces the evolution of the last ten years of Frattini’s artistic practice with a set-up that for the first time surpasses the traditional setting of the Church of the Immaculate Conception to expand towards less canonical but equally suggestive spaces of the Castle. If the deconsecrated church arises as the formal and conceptual synthesis of the artist’s whole production, the Cemetery of the Poor Clares, the courtyards, the glimpses on the sea and even the air inlets materialize as a natural scenery that defines the orderly disorder that is life. 





(Photos: © Marco Albanelli -  Castello Aragonese d'Ischia)